This is a new service offered to all Members of Carsington Sailing Club at no charge for private advertisements.
Commercial organisations wishing to advertise Boats or Equipment will be asked to pay a fee. (Please contact the Club Office for details)
If you would like to advertise a boat or sailing related equipment either For Sale or Wanted, please send an email to the Club Office at EMAIL US with the details you would like to be published.
Advertisements may be sent in the form of text within an email message, with up to five photographs, attached preferably as .jpeg files. These will be presented as a slide show at the top of the advert page.
If at all possible we would recommend you send at least one photograph as these do tend to improve your chances of a sale.
Alternatively the finished advert may be sent as either a Word or .PDF file. This will be necessary if you also want the advert placing on the Club noticeboard.
Please ensure you include your preferred contact details. These will be published on the website alongside the advert.
Once your item has been sold, please let the Office know so the advert can be removed promptly. That should ensure you will not continue to receive unwanted enquiries.
The advert will be removed as a matter of course after 1 month, unless you request that the date be extended.
The Club reserves the right to decline an advert if it feels it would not be appropriate.
The person placing the advert must accept full responsibility for all the information and details relating to their advert as published on the Carsington Sailing Club website.