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Visitor Sailing

Day Sailing:

As a visitor to the Club with your own boat, you are welcome to come for a day sail for a small fee which entitles you to use the Club facilities as a temporary member.

Day sailing at at the Club costs £40 per day (£20 per half day) and is available five days a week, Wednesday to Sunday inclusive.

Please contact the Club before arriving in order to ensure that Day Sailing is available on the day in question and that your boat is listed on the "Approved Boats to sail" list. You will find the list quite extensive.

Weekly Rate:

We also offer Weekly Rates and overnight storage of boats for anyone wishing to sail over their holiday period.
For more details please email  or contact the club office (01629 540609)

Whenever you sail at Carsington Sailing Club there is always safety cover provided.

As a Day Sailor and a Temporary Member, Club Rules must be followed, which include the wearing of buoyancy aids and suitable clothing.

Please click here for a "Welcome to Visitors Introduction".

Please follow the CHECK - CLEAN - DRY code before sailing at Carsington Sailing Club

Safety check list:

* Craft must be in a good seaworthy condition.
* 3rd Party Liability Insurance with a minimum cover of £3m.
* Suitable Sailing Experience for the type of boat.
* For your own safety all Sailors on Carsington Water MUST Wear a Suitable a Buoyancy Aid or Life Jacket at ALL times.
* Sailors must wear either a wetsuit/drysuit or clothing providing a similar level of protection between November 1st and April 30th. It is also recommended that appropriate clothing of a similar nature should be worn from May 1st to October 31st.

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