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Join Us

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Published 15:56 on 16 Nov 2023

Carsington is a large friendly sailing Club, which welcomes all those who are wanting to learn to sail, those who have sailed for years and those who just love being in a sailing environment.

Come and visit us and see first hand what the Club has to offer. During your visit you can discuss your sailing experience and needs with our staff. If you already sail and have your own boat, why not arrange for a Day Sail and try out the water properly.

For all members the annual Membership Subscriptions run from January 1st to December 31st each year.

Depending on the membership category, we offer New Members certain discounts for the first year in which they join.

Once a member, you not only have access to our fantastic Club house, but can also sail boats from our hire fleet, subject to suitable experience. If you do not have the necessary experience, or wish to improve your sailing skills we can also help you with our extensive range of formal or informal Training Courses.

Membership Benefits

There is more to being a member of Carsington Sailing Club than sailing: -

  • Wide rang of Water sports available: - Windsurfing, Wingsurfing, Paddleboards, Sailing Dinghies, Keel boats / Cruisers, Day boat.
  • Friendly and experienced staff available to help 5 days a week.  
  • Easy access slipways.
  • Open all day on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (every week).
  • Subsidised Training across many areas: - Powerboating, Sailing, First Aid, Marine Radio and Private Tuition. 
  • Free parking with lots of activities around the area, walk, cycle and shop from the club, and a fantastic newly refurbished children's playpark.
  • Good value food.
  • Good value bar.
  • Heated comfortable Clubhouse.
  • Large patio with fantastic views of the water and countryside.
  • Dedicated changing facilities with hot showers.
  • Best water in the Midlands.
  • Dedicated racing program published each year.
  • Cruising available 5 days a week.
  • Safety cover 5 days per week.
  • Assisted launching if required (may be extra charge).
  • Organised Youth Sailing Activities.
  • Family Friendly.
  • Dog friendly.
  • Good value boat and trailer storage.
  • Access to a vast boating knowledge, part of our community.
  • Access to moorings (extra charge).
  • Dedicated Management Committee.
  • Dedicated Sub Committees to focus on all areas of the club.
  • Social events throughout the year.
Membership Types and Annual Subscriptions for 2024:
Family * Voting Member - His or her spouse, partner and either their children or grandchildren under the age of 18.£405.00
Adult (25 and Over) * Voting Member £292.00
Adult (Under 25) * Voting Member - Evidence of age required. £135.00
Adult Student (18-24 years in FTE) * Voting Member - Evidence of age and student status will be required. £81.00
Junior (8-17 years) Non-voting Member. Under 18 years of age at the 1st of January and not included in a Family membership. Under 18's must be in the care of a responsible adult member. £81.00
SocialVoting Member (for social matters only). Non-sailing Member, but allows the use of a Radio controlled Model Boat operated from the shore. £69.00
SailabilityA Non-voting Member. A person who may only sail with Carsington Sailability.£81.00
Sailability Helper A Non voting Member. A Helper who assists Sailability both on and off the water.£16.00
Guardian/Carer A Non-voting Member who fulfils the role of a responsible adult, looking after an individual who needs help because of age, illness, frailty or disability.£16.00

      * Full Membership

  • Every Full Member is required to volunteer to undertake a minimum of two days duties. Those wishing to opt out of the voluntary scheme will pay a £160 buyout fee for 2024. All other members are also welcome to support the club by volunteering for duties.
  • New Members (with the exception of Guardian, Helper and Social) may be eligible for a discount.  Please contact the office for details.
  • Existing members who wish to retain their membership are liable for the full fee from 1 January (payable 1 February). Those renewing membership after this date may incur an administrative charge for late payment.
  • Any adult member (25 years and over) on low income who qualifies for any of the following benefits: Carer's Allowance; Child Tax Credit; Income Support; Income-based jobseeker's allowance (JSA); Income-related employment and support allowance (ESA); Pension Credit; Universal Credit; Working Tax Credit is eligible for a 30% discount on the relevant full fee. Evidence of eligibility will be required.
Berth Fees for 2024:
Small Dinghy £70.00 Under 1.5m Beam
Medium Dinghy £86.00 Under 2.0m Beam
Large Dinghy £108.002.0m Beam and over and under 5m LOA
Family 1st Child Dinghy £70.00Small Dinghy only
Family 2nd and subsequent Child Dinghy£32.00Small Dinghy only
Multihull, Fixed Keel and other boats* 5m and over LOA£129.00Except Cruisers
Cruisers not exceeding 7.5m including road base£129.00---
Cruisers exceeding 7.5m including road base£162.00---
Mooring £216.00. A pro-rata refund will be offered for the remaining full months if unable to moor because of a low water level.
Boards/SUP (Outdoor Rack) £32.00---
  • Full and junior members may also store a trailer in their allocated space.
  • All boats should be secured on top of their trailers to help with boat park management, space allocation and maintenance.
  • Full and junior members may also store a board/SUP with a boat if it is stored inside or secured underneath the boat and does not cause an obstruction or hazard to other members.
Barrier Card

The barrier entry card costs £10.00, which is non-refundable. Ownership of a card allows the member to gain access through the security barrier without having to wait for it to be opened.


All Boats sailed at Carsington must be Insured for third party liability to a minimum value of £3,000,000.


We are very fortunate to have a small team of staff who work very hard to keep on top of the tasks in and around the clubhouse.

However, not all of the work can be done by them alone. We are always grateful for any volunteers who would like to help to bridge the gaps which keeps the Club running smoothly.

If you have any particular skills or are just willing to join this team, please inform the office staff or any of the Flag Officers; we are always on the look-out for people who would like to help!

Contact Us

To join Carsington Sailing Club simply get in touch with the office, or even better come and visit. (Wednesdays to Sundays.) Office Phone: 01629 540609 or click here to Email us.

If you wish to apply for membership, CLICK HERE

2025 memberships available now!!

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