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Home / Training / Junior & Youth Courses / RYA Stage 2

RYA Stage 2

RYA Stage 2

Make progress, get confident.

Prerequisites: RYA Stage 1 or equivalent experience.

Students that have completed Stage 1 will work towards being in full control of the boat and becoming confident sailors.

Students will move from sailing across the wind to sailing upwind and downwind. They will improve their existing techniques and start to develop their gybing skill. Our experienced instructors will incorporate basic theoretical elements in fun and engaging ways.

By the end of the course, students will feel confident to sail under supervision and will have learnt the basics of sailing theory.

After Stage 2, junior sailors can join the Onboard Club. This is a fantastic opportunity to make new friends and hone their skills in preparation for Stage 3.

Duration 16 hours

Ratio: Up to 6 students per instructor

Age 8 - 13     Please note: Youth sailors aged 14 and over are advised to sign up on the Adult Levels

Prices - £175 per stage - £150 per stage for members

Next Step- RYA Stage 3, Carsington OnBoard Club

Booking Information

These courses are run throughout the year according to demand. Therefore if there isn't one scheduled, please contact the office who will be able to provide you with more information.

To reserve a place on a course please view the scheduled courses where you can book online. Alternatively, please contact the Club Office on 01629 540609, Email us or visit the Club in person (Wednesday to Sunday)

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